CME calls for Uninterrupted Access to UK Markets

Dennis Darby, President & CEO issued today the following statement with regards to Canada’s trade relationship with the United Kingdom:

“For manufacturers across the country, it is important that Canada’s privileged access to the United Kingdom’s market be maintained, whether that is through CETA, or a future UK-CA agreement. The UK is a natural trade partner for Canada and our shared history, common language and similar legal frameworks make it easy for businesses, especially SMEs, to work together.  CETA opened the door to building supply chains with the UK and it offers great opportunities for Canadian exporters. We urge the government to continue efforts to maintain uninterrupted access.”

66% of all Canadian exports are manufactured goods. CME is calling on the incoming government to build on existing trade agreements and, develop a  long-term export strategy for future economic growth and market diversification and to ensure reciprocal access to markets, including public markets. CME has identified three pillars for export growth:

  • Strengthening Canada’s existing export foundations, with a focus on building from existing trade agreements, especially the USMCA, and leveraging our natural and existing strengths and resources
  • Supporting small and medium-sized companies going global through stronger domestic investment programs to help them scale -up.
  • Implementing tax and regulatory reforms to attract foreign direct investment and global production mandates from large  multinational companies

For more information, read CME’s in-depth report on the state of trade in Canada, Stalled Trade: Gearing-up Canadian Exports.


Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) advocates for and represents 2,500 leading manufacturers that operate across Canada. Manufacturing moves Canada and is the engine of the economy. Canadian manufacturers collectively employ 1.7 million Canadians and is responsible for two-thirds of Canada’s export sales. The sector is growing rapidly. In 2018, the sector reached a new all-time high of $685 billion in sales. CME advocates policies that will allow Canadian manufacturers to compete effectively in the global economy.


Stefi Proulx
Director of Communications
Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters
C:  613-292-6070 | | @CME_MEC