CME Survey: Women in Manufacturing. Have your Say

August 30, 2017

Help Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) and our partners support, promote and inspire women to pursue careers in manufacturing.

Did you know in Canada, women account for 48 per cent of the labour force but only 28 per cent of the manufacturing workforce? More concerning still is that there has been no increase in the share of manufacturing jobs held by women over the last 15 years. Only six per cent of employed women in Canada have a job in manufacturing compared to 13 per cent of all men.

Attracting more women into manufacturing professions is critical to helping companies grow and to replace the existing and aging workforce. To do this, we must better understand the current realities of women in Canadian industry.

This survey aims to identify the challenges women face in advancing their careers in manufacturing, the perception of manufacturing as a career option for women, and the barriers that impede women-led manufacturing firms.

Based on the survey findings, CME and our partners will work with the manufacturing community, government leaders and industry stakeholders to create and implement an action plan that can assist Canadian manufacturers in attracting, retaining and advancing women in manufacturing careers in Canada. This action plan will be released in the fall of 2017 at CME’s Annual Meeting and Advanced Manufacturing Symposium, The New Face of Manufacturing in Ottawa.

Please help us by filling out this survey.

We would also be grateful if you would encourage women working in your organization and in your network to complete this survey. The survey itself consists of no more than 30 questions and should take less than 10 minutes to complete.

The deadline for completion is September 22, 2017 and your responses will be held in strict confidence.

Survey link:


Since 1871, Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters has been helping manufacturers grow at home and, compete around the world. Our focus is to ensure manufacturers are recognized as engines for growth in the economy, with Canada acknowledged as both a global leader and innovator in advanced manufacturing and a global leader in exporting. CME is a member-driven association that directly represents more than 2,500 leading companies who account for an estimated 82 per cent of manufacturing output and 90 per cent of Canada’s exports.


Stefi Proulx

Director of Communications & Branding

Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters

(613) 292-6070