House of Commons Committee recommends manufacturing strategy based on CME’s Industrie 2030
June 13, 2017
Last week the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology released its study and report on the state of the manufacturing sector entitled The Canadian Manufacturing Sector: Urgent need to Adapt. This study was conducted at the urging of CME, our partner organizations in the Canadian Manufacturing Coalition, and with the bi-partisan leadership of several key Members of Parliament who sit on the Committee.
The Committee report – available for download here – focused on the current changes happening in Canada’s manufacturing sector and specific priorities for stability and growth in the sector. In particular the Committee put a high priority on employment in the sector, supporting innovation and commercialization, and the restructuring government support programs. In total, to the Committee makes 17 recommendations for the government to take action on, many of which mirror CME recommendations, including these top level issues:
- Improve supports for on employee training
- Improve intellectual property (IP) transfer from post-secondary’s to industry
- Ensure free trade agreements support growth in manufacturing and have effective trade rules
- Conduct a program review of all federal spending and supports, including SRED (note this was committed to in the 2017 Federal Budget)
- Improve the procurement system to support innovation and commercialization (committed in the Budget)
- Develop innovation clusters (also committed to in the Budget)
In addition to these recommendations, the Committee also unanimously recommended that the federal government develop a strategy for the manufacturing sector that is based off of CME’s Industrie 2030 recommendations and action plan (available for download here). This also included a recommendation for clear objectives and timelines for growth in production, employment and exports along with regular progress reports, again similar to CME’s action plan.
Having the sector studied and a report created by the Standing Committee on manufacturing future challenges in Canada was just the beginning of the process for the association. CME will continue to work with the Standing Committee, Industry Canada and other federal departments, and our members to ensure these recommendations are implemented as suggested.
Since 1871, Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters has been helping manufacturers grow at home and, compete around the world. Our focus is to ensure manufacturers are recognized as engines for growth in the economy, with Canada acknowledged as both a global leader and innovator in advanced manufacturing and a global leader in exporting. CME is a member-driven association that directly represents more than 2,500 leading companies who account for an estimated 82 per cent of manufacturing output and 90 per cent of Canada’s exports.
Stefi Proulx
Director of Communications & Branding
Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (
613) 292-6070