NL Manufacturers Inspired to Scale up!

ST JOHN’S (November 21, 2019) – Over 150 manufacturers for across Newfoundland and Labrador congregated today in St. John’s participate to Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters’ (CME) Annual Manufacturing Insights Conference. This year’s conference, Scaling Up for Success, is focused on encouraging manufacturers to share knowledge and experience and, identifying ways to overcome their common challenges such as technology adoption and productivity.

“Events like the Manufacturing Insight are important to the future of our industry and, CME, in collaboration with Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and the Department of Tourism, Culture, Industry and Innovation, is pleased to take the lead,” said David Haire, Vice-President of CME.  “Recent CME research shows that manufacturers in the Atlantic region are adopting new technologies at a slower pace than their competitors, leading to lower productivity and, the loss in competitiveness. In fact, only 29 per cent of manufacturers in the region currently use advanced manufacturing technologies, compared to 40 per cent nation-wide.”

“With today’s event, manufacturers will have the tools necessary to get their productivity journey started and, get back on track with CME as a trusted partner along the way,” added Haire.

Manufacturing is vital to Newfoundland & Labrador’s economy and to the prosperity of all. The numbers speak for themselves: the sector directly accounts for nearly 5% per cent of provincial GDP, generates more than $6.9 billion in annual output, and accounts for close to 9,000 jobs.


Since 1871, Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters has been helping manufacturers grow at home and, compete around the world. Our focus is to ensure manufacturers are recognized as engines for growth in the economy, with Canada acknowledged as both a global leader and innovator in advanced manufacturing and a global leader in exporting. CME is a member-driven association that directly represents more than 2,500 leading companies who account for an estimated 82 per cent of manufacturing output and 90 per cent of Canada’s exports.


Stefi Proulx
Director of Communications
Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters
C:  613-292-6070 | | @CME_MEC