Upcoming Events
Calgary Alberta Lean Consortia Open House

CME Canadian Lean Conference. June 05, 2018.
Join CME and Corma Industries Inc on June 22nd for an information session on Lean Consortium. Lean is a proven strategy for engaging employees to deliver more value to customers in less time and, with less effort. Come meet other likeminded companies who can share and learn from each other’s lean journey with an experienced CME facilitator. Not only will Consortia members learn from each other, they will also be given access to:
- Connect with 50 plus consortium members across the prairies
- Expert guidance from Lean Facilitators
- Access to training
- Annual Lean Assessments by CME Lean Facilitators
- Monthly consortium networking and learning events
- Special Interest Groups (SIGs) on focused topics
- Consortia Peer Accountability
Company executives, operations leaders, continuous improvement specialists and change agents within manufacturing operations of all sizes.
9 am – Arrive
9:15 am – Introduction (Corma)
9:30 am – Tour – (Corma)
10:30 am – Round Table: Why Lean
11:30 am – Foundations of a Lean Journey: Consortia and Shared Learnings
12:00 pm – Lunch & Networking
12:30 pm – Adjourn
“Lean has been supporting us in our journey to become a world-class manufacturing company, giving us the right tools to achieve our goals. Using the sharing from the Consortia members, we implemented Lean certification programs throughout the company. Through best practices tours, our people were able to see what others are doing and benchmark ourselves against other best-in-class companies. Our work with the consortia also helped drive our roadmap and book of standards – initial assessments gave us direction on priorities and set the stage for our success. Today, Väderstad Industries Inc. (VII) is a leading global provider of highly efficient machinery, developed to simplify the work and improve results for the farmer.”
– Mitko Tomov, P.Eng., Production Engineering Manager, Väderstad Industries Inc.