

You’re digging into something deep. For many women, a career in manufacturing has meant sectioning off their lives between workers and caregivers. I always found the more gender-neutral I presented myself, the more respect I received from colleagues and I don’t think I’m the only one. COVID-19 has placed a spotlight on these responsibilities and for many, this is an intimidating and vulnerable position.


I also see this shift as a big, juicy opportunity. It’s time to normalize the fact that we have a work life and a home life. So where do we even start?


I thought it would be neat to use a process specific to the manufacturing community, so I’m framing your question through the 5 WHYS.

“Before COVID-19, it was easier to segment caring for my kids and switching with my husband to work second shift on the production line. The pandemic has complicated both worlds and I feel exposed as a working mom. How do I get a handle on this work-life balance thing?” – Shawna, Lloydminster, Saskatchewan