HERStory | Natacha Rey
Meet Natacha - Founder, Formulator & President of Maison Apothecare
Maison Apothecare is an outward expression of everything that is important to Natacha: family, creativity, honesty, loyalty, and the planet. After two intense years of formulating, she struck liquid gold with the Lemon Aide Surface Cleaner. Eight years later, the Lemon Aide cleaning line has grown to include a full range of environmentally responsible and refillable products to clean every corner of your home.
What made you choose a career in manufacturing?
I think manufacturing chose me. As a product formulator I always thought the path forward was to conceptualize products and hand them to a co-packer to re-produce. Over time I began to realize that the way my team worked created a much higher quality product than any co-packer would ever be willing to do so we’ve gradually moved to in-house manufacturing.
What are the biggest barriers you have faced and how did you overcome them or are overcoming them?
This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is ‘Break the Bias’ which I stand firmly behind because my experience of working with male-dominated co-packers has been the biggest barrier. I’ve been doing this for 10 years now and one of the skills that I’ve developed out of necessity is gauging the cooperation I will receive from a male supplier/banker/web developer…etc. and identifying their biases in working with a woman-owned company. It’s a skill that no one talks about but that every woman hones and utilizes in her career to get the job done.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Believe in yourself, your capabilities and allow your unique qualities to serve you. Don’t let yourself be swayed by ill-intentioned “mentors”. Above all just know “Your softness is your strength” – Forest Gump.
Why would you encourage young women to enter careers in manufacturing?
The way we make every single physical item on the planet needs to be re-imagined for a better world and future for humanity. Our male counterparts spear-headed the industrial revolution…now it’s our turn. Just watch and see!