Reports & Presentations
Ontario manufacturers are the forefront of global competition, innovation and technological change. To compete with the world’s best, they require a business climate that is equally world class. Industrie 2030 Ontario is a roadmap to achieving the conditions manufacturers need to succeed.
Ontario is missing out on the opportunities created by modern advanced manufacturing. We are also losing ground to international competitors that have been moving aggressively to attract investment, create high-paying jobs, and grow their value-added manufacturing base. Manufacturers are optimistic about their futures, and want to invest in Ontario, but high production costs, and unsupportive government policies are driving investment and jobs out of the province.
Industrie 2030 Ontario aims to reverse these trends. Our goal is to create the conditions to support the doubling of manufacturing output in Ontario to $600 billion by 2030.
Industrie 2030 focuses on the critical needs of Ontario’s manufacturing sector:
- Creating a competitive business environment in Ontario that, through tax and regulatory reform and lower electricity prices, reduces business costs and encourages growth and production;
- Addressing current skill shortages, improve technical skills training of youth and increase support for industry-led training and skills-development initiatives; and,
- Introducing policies and support programs to assist companies with scale-up, technology adoption, and product commercialization.
By no means is this a comprehensive list of issues that are impeding growth in Ontario manufacturing. But, focusing on the above list of core issues offers Ontario, and its critically important manufacturing sector, the best opportunity to reverse recent stagnation and once again become a leader in economic growth and prosperity for the province.
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