Spotlight: Berg Chilling

A good neighboor
Is there anything more satisfying than strapping on your skates and taking a few strides on fresh arena ice? With precisely controlled systems that include industrial chillers, pumps and heat recovery equipment, Berg Chilling Systems is making this possible year-round.
A family-owned business founded in 1972, Berg Chilling Systems started out as a specialized manufacturer of chillers for the plastics industry. It has grown to 120 employees, is a leading international supplier of custom-engineered refrigeration solutions, and a key contributor to ending hunger in Ontario by supporting in kind the Ontario Association of Food banks and its agency members.
So, next time you’re sitting in the bleachers, freezing at your kids’ 6 AM practice because somewhere in between making breakfast, packing the equipment and loading the sticks in the car, you forgot your gloves, have a little thought for Berg Chilling Systems. Canada wouldn’t be the same without temperature control or the deep care for the well-being of our neighbours, Berg Chilling Systems contributes to what makes us, us.