Everyone Policy & Government Relations
Manitoba Coalition for Advanced Manufacturing
The Manitoba Coalition for Advanced Manufacturing aims to raise awareness and coordinate input from Manitoba entities on advanced manufacturing initiatives. Our group unites Manitoba’s advanced manufacturing ecosystem and seeks to speak with one voice on issues affecting Manitoba’s advanced manufacturing environment.
Led by CME and Economic Development Winnipeg (EDW), the Advanced Manufacturing Coalition initiative covers a series of projects of varying complexities and scope.
Why Manitoba Coalition for Advanced Manufacturing?
- Exchange information on advanced manufacturing processes, technologies and human capital requirements;
- Promote collaborative opportunities to develop and commercialize advanced manufacturing processes and technologies
- Develop the human capital required within Manitoba’s industrial and academic ecosystems related to advanced manufacturing; and
- Provide non-partisan advice to government and other stakeholders.
Who Can Benefit?
Any organization who is committed to
- Continuously improve the productivity and competitiveness of Manitoba’s multi-sectoral manufacturing eco-system;
- Establish Manitoba as a leader in advanced manufacturing research, innovation and technology;
- Develop an advanced manufacturing workforce; and
- Leverage government, industry and academic resources to achieve maximum economic impact in the most efficient manner possible.
The Coalition includes representatives from Manitoba industry, academia, sector associations, non-profit organizations (NPOs), government agencies, research entities and economic development groups whose focus is manufacturing.
To find out more information or to join, contact a CME representative today.
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