Manufacturing means Economic Growth
Canada’s manufacturers account for 7.3% of all economic activity, over 130,000 jobs and more than a quarter of our exports. The sector makes world-class products right here.
Today we live in a global economy. It’s a competitive landscape and all parts of the world are competing to take manufacturing jobs away from us here in Alberta. But, with the right conditions, the manufacturing sector can thrive here at home.
We want Alberta to lead the world into the exciting new future of advanced manufacturing and job creation. We know that a strong manufacturing industry means a strong Canadian economy.
That’s why we need a manufacturing strategy for Alberta. One that keeps our industry competitive and powers our economy so that we can keep jobs and bring prosperity here at home.
Here are 5 steps governments can take to make it easier for Canadian manufacturers to grow our economy:
- Introduce an “Alberta Made” matching investment tax credit or grant program to assist companies with plant expansion, upgrades, technology adoption, onshoring, re-tooling, improving environmental performance, and exporting.
- Implement a Patent Box tax exemption system to reward commercialization and production of goods and advanced technologies in Alberta.
- Collaborate with industry launch an “Alberta Made” campaign to promote local manufacturing and supply chains, in a manner that builds on the “Made in Alberta Labelling Program.”
- Adopt a comprehensive approach to supporting Alberta’s strategic and emerging manufacturing sectors, including petrochemicals, food processing, fabricated metals, wood products, mineral value chains and machinery and electronic equipment.
- Support manufacturers in encouraging Alberta’s education system to connect youth to manufacturing careers.