CME Awards Program

Global Drain Technologies (GDT), is rapidly emerging as a leader in stainless
steel drainage manufacturing. As a parent company to a suite of specialized
brands including FoodSafeDrains, SlotDrain Systems, and Landscape
Drains, GDT is carving a unique niche by offering purpose-built drainage
solutions. The company’s growth trajectory is a testament to its commitment
to innovation, technology, and an understanding of customer needs. GDT
manufacturers top-quality products certified to NSF standards.
This commitment to excellence is evident in the achievements of its FoodSafe
brand. For consecutive years, FoodSafe Drains has played a crucial role in
the success of leading food processing companies. In 2022, Pennsylvaniabased Bell and Evans, and in 2023, Clemens Foods, both achieved the title of
Food Plant of the Year, thanks in part to their partnership with GDT. These
achievements are a direct testament to the hard work and dedication of
GDT’s remarkable team.
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