partner with us

Creating diverse and inclusive workplaces isn’t just good Corporate Social Responsibility. Diversity positively impacts your bottom line. CME is dedicated to promoting, supporting, and inspiring women in manufacturing. We are seeking support from strategic partners for this initiative that share our vision for attracting, retaining and advancing women in manufacturing in Canada, including participation in the working group, examples of successful companies and women in manufacturing that can be used as industry benchmarks, and sponsorship.

submit your Herstory

Want to inspire women in the manufacturing field? Share your story and help increase the number of women in manufacturing, share your experiences and achievements about how you got started in in the manufacturing sector

There are currently 3 ways for you to submit your story CLICK HERE

WAYS TO GET involved

become a champion

Pledge your support to increase female representation in your workplace. Become a champion of women of manufacturing. Register below today! With your pledge you will receive:

  • Certificate of Commitment to share in your workplace and a downloadable badge/certificate to display on your website demonstrating your commitment to increasing female representation the workforce.
  • Be listed as a champion on our Women in Manufacturing website.
  • Access to CME’s Women in Manufacturing events.

Together, We Can Do It! CLICK HERE


Chaired by Angela Pappin, Chief Transformation Officer, ArcelorMittal Dofasco North America, the member-driven working group, which includes women and men representing CME member manufacturing firms from across Canada, is dedicated to supporting, promoting and inspiring women to pursue careers in manufacturing. CME’s Women in Manufacturing Working Group is focusing its efforts on the following pillars:

  • Engage and inspire – introducing STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) and skilled trades to young women and girls
  • Attract and Retain – Increase women entering and staying the manufacturing workforce
  • Empower, Support and Accelerate – Helping women achieve success in the workplace

CME also offers provincial Women in Manufacturing Committees.

To learn more and get involved, please contact Marie Morden –



CME’s Gender Inclusion and Diversity Toolkit is a great resource to start the conversation no matter your organizational size, the resources available to you, and what industry you are in.


Contact: Erin Epstein –