Confident mid adult engineer examining car chassis at automobile industry. Male supervisor is working on car part in factory. He is wearing reflective clothing.


$2,560 Members
$3,045 Non Members

*excludes GST, includes materials &


March 23 - June 16, 2023
(7 days total)

CME office (Training Room 1)
200-1479 Buffalo Place.
Winnipeg, MB


March 23 - 1 hr kickoff online
April 4- Mentors Day
April 18 – Leaders Day 1
May 1 – Leaders Day 2
May 12 – Leaders Day 3

May 24- Leaders Day 4
June 5- Leaders Day 5
June 16– Leaders & Mentors Day

Please note that employers enrolling employees in the program may be eligible for reimbursement under Canada-Provincial Job Grants. Contact your local CME representative for more information.

Have a question about registration?